guts·y (gts)
adj. guts·i·er, guts·i·est Slang
1. Marked by courage or daring; plucky.
2. Robust and uninhibited; lusty: "the gutsy . . . intensity of her musical involvement" Judith Crist.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Endoscopy on Tuesday Afternoon

I stopped eating solid food at midnight, per instructions.  Liquids can continue until four hours before the procedure; after that, nothing at all, not even for taking meds.  I'll be okay, I did this last week before the MRCP.

In about twelve hours I'll be at Beth Israel for blood work, then prep at 1:00, endoscopy at 2:00, ride home at 4:00.  I've never had this procedure before, not sure what to expect, especially afterwards.