guts·y (gts)
adj. guts·i·er, guts·i·est Slang
1. Marked by courage or daring; plucky.
2. Robust and uninhibited; lusty: "the gutsy . . . intensity of her musical involvement" Judith Crist.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Surgery cancelled for now, more tests instead

Dr. Mowschenson backed off on the gallbladder-surgery plan and decided I should consult with a gastrointestinal specialist first.  No surgery scheduled as of this writing!  And although Mowschenson says he doesn't believe in diet as being a big factor in any of these gut things, he nevertheless advised me to cut way back on fiber, especially in vegetables.  I am currently a vegetarian who doesn't eat vegetables.  I especially miss the beets and Brussels sprouts, but they were among the biggest offenders.  Mostly I have been feeling better, but read on...

As of Tuesday this week I now I have a new GI doctor, Sunil Sheth.  The appointment was for 5 PM at Beth Israel in Boston.  5:00 PM!  Never mind rush hour, that's a horrible time of day for a GI appointment, especially for someone with a jpouch.  I was very surprised at the scheduling, tempted to reschedule, but it was his first available so I took it, despite feelings of trepidation.

Good news:
- I didn't have to wait as long as I feared at that time of day.
- Dr. Sheth and his fellow Dr. Sepe seemed very smart and knowledgeable and kind.
- Dr. Sheth specializes in pancreas stuff, which might be relevant to my case.
- Dr. Sheth works with Dr. Mowschenson regularly -- which is a huge plus, as I have total confidence in Mowschenson.
- My gallbladder is not in urgent need of surgical removal.
- Despite the horrible diet I am now eating (that's my opinion; it's still not as bad as the average American's), my vital signs were all perfect.  I credit swimming laps.

- It's possible to have gallstones (which I do, as the MRI enterography revealed last month) without their causing pain.
- I definitely have pain, but not according to typical gallstone pain.
- Not clear whether my pain is caused by bowel blockage, either, since the MRI showed none of this.

Plain News:
- On October 27 I'm scheduled for an MRCP, which is a specialized MRI of the gallbladder and pancreas. 
- On November 2 I'm scheduled for an endoscopy.  "Like a colonoscopy but without the prep" is what the doctor actually said.  Having had way more than my share of colonoscopies in the past, I found that funny.   But I still feel anxious about it. 

On November 2 I need to find a ride there at 12:30 and a ride home at 4:00.  Anybody available?

- Dr. Sheth prescribed a new (to me) medication to address the possibility of stomach acid being the cause of my pain; apparently lots of Americans take this one.

Bad news:
- On the way to the Tuesday appointment I felt something bad happening in my gut.  Seemed sort of like what I have been assuming were partial bowel blockages for the last couple of years, and what Mowschenson thought, since the last MRI, might be gallbladder attacks.  I mentioned, during the appointment, that I was having some of the pain typical of the last few months right at that moment, and that it seemed to be growing steadily worse.
- On the drive home the "attack" got worse and worse till I almost couldn't drive.  I somehow made it home to Lincoln, went straight to bed with electric heating pad and hot tea.  But the acute abdominal pain was horrific, like a devil trying to cut himself out of me with knives.  After a supportive phone conversation and a few hours had passed, I started to feel minimally better, and thus decided not to go to the ER.  But lost most of Tuesday night and therefore most of Wednesday as well.
  Was this coincidence?  Psychosomatic? Stress about the 5 PM appointment?  I don't know.  But I regret eating all that freshly baked hallah on the way!